St. Matthew

St. Matthew Catholic Church

This is our home on the Internet. Here you will find the latest news and information about St. Matthew Catholic Church, like upcoming events and Mass schedules. Visit our web site often to see what is going on, then come to the church itself and join your friends in worshiping The Lord and having fun.

Our office is located at Sacred Heart Catholic Church 2887 E Main St Humboldt, TN 38343

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 AM to 3 PM

Mission Statement

The community of Saint Matthew Mission is called to preach the “Good News” of Jesus Christ and His true presence in the Holy Eucharist according to the teaching and tradition of the Catholic Church.

Our Mission is as follows:

  • Supporting and strengthening one another through worship, prayer and celebration of the sacraments.
  • Teaching and preaching the Word of God.
  • Witness to the Gospel in the local community.
  • Respect and hospitality to all members of the parish and community at large.
Mass Schedule

 9:00 AM

All are welcome to join us for rosary before 9 a.m. Mass every Sunday

Sacrament of Reconciliation  8:30 AM through Rosary (St Matthew) 1st and 2nd Sunday of the Month before 9:00 AM Mass